Penn Red
RGB: 153,000,000
Hex: #990000
CMYK: 0, 100, 65, 34
Pantone: 201
Please always use the official renditions of the Penn logo and replace any older iterations of the University logo where they exist. Abiding by these standards will ensure a unified, professional appearance befitting the University across all communications mediums. We encourage all those who use the logo to read through the style guide pages and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the University Secretary.
The Penn logos are the primary graphic elements of the University branding program. Consistent application and precise production of the logos will identify and reinforce public awareness of the University, its schools, departments, and other areas. When the logos are used properly with the other elements of the branding program, a unique and effective visual style can be established. The logos and their treatment described in the following pages are the official Penn logo and the official logotype.
Red and blue are the traditional colors for the University of Pennsylvania. They are as important to the identification program as the logo forms and typography. The careful application of these specific colors will create a strong and consistent identity for the University. The logo can be used in black and white or Penn blue, but use of other colors are strongly discouraged.
For a complimentary color palette, please see the Web Identity Color Guide.
RGB: 153,000,000
Hex: #990000
CMYK: 0, 100, 65, 34
Pantone: 201
RGB: 001,031, 091
Hex: #011F5B
CMYK: 100, 65, 0, 30
Pantone: 288
Be sure to use the correct color space. Web and print colors are NOT interchangeable. Use of print specifications for digital display will result in washed out colors that degrade our brand.
Using print color specs
for digital logos will result in
washed-out colors.
Using print color specs
for digital display will result in
washed out-colors.
For a complimentary color palette, please see the Web Identity Color Guide.
The full University logo utilizes two typefaces. Perpetua is used for the Penn mark and ITC Stone Serif is used in University of Pennsylvania logotype.
Both typefaces are copyrighted and must be licensed accordingly for usage.
The Penn Mark is rendered using Perpetua. The typeface may be purchased via MyFonts.
The University of Pennsylvania logotype is rendered using ITC Stone Serif and ITC Stone Serif Italic. The typeface may be purchased via MyFonts.